
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Samsung ST50′s digital camera reviews

Samsung ST50

Samsung ST50 of digital camera reviews
 Placed in front of us is a very thin card camera –Samsung ST50, but in the end it is how thin, the author from the Samsungofficial website received data is: 14.2mm. Recall a few years ago, the major camera makers have been indulging in “thinnest” camera fight war, Sony T7,Casio S10 and a series of products, let us marvel at the same time the camera manufacturers to design capabilities, but also deeply feel the blind shape brought about by the pursuit of all the negative consequences of … … the next portable camera, and everyone started to re-focus image quality and capture the feelings of improving, and the resulting performance of the camera during these few years to enhance the rapid and comprehensive.Read the rest of this entry »


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